PPE standard. Experience of Metinvest Holding Company

PPE standard. Experience of Metinvest Holding Company

Personal protective equipment/PPE reduces the risk of injury during the work process, reduces the impact of harmful factors, protects against adverse weather conditions, prevents accidents and occupational diseases.

In order to effectively implement these requirements, since 2011 Metinvest Holding has put into effect the Operational Standard: Requirements for overalls, footwear and other PPE for employees of enterprises belonging to the Metinvest Group.

What is the PPE Standard?

The PPE Standard is a regulatory document that details the technical characteristics, parameters and requirements for PPE, displays the appearance of products, their protective and ergonomic functions.

The standard contains:

  • specification of approved PPE
  • scope of PPE
  • operating conditions of PPE
  • care and maintenance of PPE
  • technical specifications and descriptions for all types of workwear
  • specification of approved fabrics and materials
  • corporate standards for the issuance of PPE
  • PPE guide to approve for purchase

Unlike the current Model Industry Codes / MIC, which are developed Based on outdated requirements and GOSTs, the Standard makes it possible to provide employees of enterprises with up-to-date PPE models using modern materials and the latest technologies, for example:

  • aluminized raincoats and helmets (based on Aramid Al and Alfa Maritex)
  • overalls with antistatic effect and protection against electric arc (based on Triton-T, Triton-T HQ, Triton-C, Triton-T k 80, ClassicSplash, RigChief Universal, TropicSplash)
  • use of durable fabrics with abrasion resistance of about 4k cycles at a density of ≈ 250 g/m2 (Spartak, Tron, Master cotton)
  • use of high-tech materials with oil and water repellency impregnation (Polycotton mining, Master, Сhemprotect)
  • PPE – masks and half masks with replaceable filters
  • multipurpose summer and winter gloves
  • protective corrective glasses (for visually impaired workers)
  • footwear with waterproof impregnation
  • work boots with protection level S3 SRC and S3 HRO
  • heat-resistant helmets, shields, etc.

S3 SRC – anti-slip sole

HRO – resistance of the sole to contact with heated surfaces

The standard places high demands on the quality, comfort, protective characteristics and aesthetic appearance of PPE.

Increasing the life of PPE

In the Metinvest Standard, all standards are based on data obtained as a result of production tests and an understanding of the actual life of PPE.

The experience of using high quality materials has shown that PPE can maintain operational, protective properties and proper appearance much longer than the terms established by OET.

This makes it possible, on a commission basis, to increase the period of wear of PPE up to the service life guaranteed by the manufacturer.

For example: based on the results of the analysis of working conditions, it is possible to increase the period of wearing overalls from 12 to 24 months.

It's a common approach in EU countries. The wearing period for each type of PPE is determined by the employer based on:

  • actual operating conditions
  • based on the results of production batch tests of the
  • guarantees of the supplier
  • data from Certification centers (protocols determining the threshold for maintaining the protective and operational properties of PPE)

This practice is the main incentive for enterprises to purchase more expensive high-quality types of PPE with a prolonged period operation.

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