Tkaniny poliamidowe

Wygoda, ochrona przed wilgocią, trwałość, wentylacja – to kluczowe charakterystyki tkanin

Komfort to bezpieczeństwo

Tkaniny poliamidowe - Strong 195
Tkaniny poliamidowe - Strong 195
Strong 195
50% nylon, 50% bawełna, 195 g/m2

Wygoda, ochrona przed wilgocią, trwałość, wentylacja – to kluczowe charakterystyki tkanin

Komfort to bezpieczeństwo

Tkaniny poliamidowe

Polyamide fabric is a strong but soft material used for workwear production.

Polyamide is completely synthetic, so in its pure form it is hardly ever used. To improve its qualitative characteristics, the fiber is mixed with other types of fabrics. Thanks to the addition of polyamide, they become lightweight, strong and resistant to mechanical damage.

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